Knowing Christ and making him known
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.
​Psalm 36:7-9
Who we are
Fountain of Life Christian Fellowship is a wholly independent church which was established in 1978 as a non-denominational fellowship whose sole focus was and remains “knowing Christ and making Him known.” The by-products of this focus include an emphasis on fellowship, prayer, salvation of the lost, and holy living.
Fountain of Life Christian Fellowship is led by a team of three elders who preach the Word, care for pastoral needs, and oversee the operations of the church. We also have a church leadership team consisting of people engaged in active ministry within the church. Those serving in these positions are not elected, but rather function in the gifts and talents bestowed by the Holy Spirit as listed in I Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4.
Leadership Team
Mike Williams
Mike is a graduate of Southeastern University of the Assemblies of God and serves as the teaching elder at Fountain of Life. He is also a public school teacher in the local community.
Brian Cole
Brian is a former pastor at Fountain of Life. He is also a retired public school teacher in the local community and leads various Bible studies in the area.
Gary Pratt
Gary has served as an elder at Fountain of Life for several years. He is a businessman in the local community and serves as our lead sound technician.
Marcie Williams
Pastoral Care
Marcie is a graduate of Southeastern University of the Assemblies of God and ministers in the area of pastoral care at Fountain of Life. She is also a public school teacher in the local community.
Betsy Batson
Betsy is a graduate of Asbury University and ministers in the areas of music and pastoral care at Fountain of Life.
Betty Cole
Betty serves as the church treasurer at Fountain of Life. She is also a master potter in the local community.